5 Unexpected Advantages of Teaching in a Hybrid Environment
Dance is very physical; not only do dancers fly across the floor, but classes require an instructor to gently manipulate the torso or a limb so the dancer can feel the correct position. During the fall semester, that freedom to move and physical contact was not possible in either a virtual or in-person class due to safety measures. But we did find other advantages of the hybrid environment.
Student Spotlight: Luke Helwig
Baldwin Wallace Sophomore, Luke Helwig, found music while watching Shrek 4. “I was watching the fourth Shrek movie, and there was a scene where the pied piper is playing some nonsensical rendition of “Sure Shot” by Beastie Boys. Apparently, 6th grade me thought this was the coolest thing ever, and it had enough influence on me to start playing the flute. Thanks, Beastie Boys.”
Preparing for a Virtual Audition
November starts audition season for many students hoping to get into the college music program of their choice. In past years, this meant both time and money spent traveling on weekends to the conservatories of choice.
Tips for Effective Practice
Even students who have been playing for a few years could improve their skills through more effective practice, so we tapped into Private Lesson instructors Mrs. Kathy Musat (brass) and Dr. Samuel Rotberg (violin) for their best advice. Here are the top 5 tips they offered.