Customized Executive and Professional Development Solutions


BW offers non-credit professional development and training that provides practical, hands-on, applicable scaling and upskilling. We're intentional, creative and flexible with whom we engage to teach custom courses, leveraging faculty from across BW's campus in various disciplines.

The expert who will teach your program meets with your organization to understand your goals and design the course specifically to meet your expectations - either as a complete curriculum or as a supplement for your internal professional development offerings. We don't settle for run-of-the-mill instruction; we believe in thinking outside the box to inspire and drive strategic outcomes. Examples of customized solutions we've provided include:

  • Tapping the head baseball coach to teach leadership.
  • Leveraging the Conservatory of Music to teach storytelling and improvisation techniques.
  • Engaging our culinary team for teamwork exercises.
  • And so much more!

Shorter than credit-based processes, our professional development programs combine hands-on technical expertise with real-world experience to send our partners off with applicable skills they can put to use in their organization the very next day.

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