About the LoVetri Institute for Somatic Voicework™

Upcoming LoVetri Institutes

In most years, the LoVetri Institute for Somatic Voicework™ is offered in the summer, and Level 1 is offered online in January.

Registration is upcoming for the 2024 LoVetri Institute for Somatic Voicework™.

Learn more:

Jeannette LoVetri at Piano with Institute Vocal Student

The LoVetri Institute is offered exclusively in partnership with Baldwin Wallace University. Sessions are held either online or on the Baldwin Wallace campus in January and the summer of each year. The LoVetri Institute offers three tiered courses, each required before the next, to teach Somatic Voicework™. Learners must complete the courses in order, but you may repeat each level if desired. After completing all three base levels, learners may move on to advanced programs.

Participants must complete each level before proceeding to the next, and advanced programs are available only to graduates of Levels I - III.

Currently, only Level I is offered during the January session. Levels I through III and advanced programs are offered in the summer session.

Base Levels of the LoVetri Institute for Somatic Voicework™

Tuition for the Summer Session is $475.00 or $400.00 for recertification.

The base levels of the LoVetri Institute include:


Advanced Courses

After completing the base levels of the LoVetri Institute, learners may continue with these optional, advanced programs. Tuition for each advanced course is $475.00.